Worldcon Timeline

(When a source is cited we're not yet sure of the dating or attribution of an innovation.)

Number - Year Name Attend.  
Nycon I, 1939, New York200 First Worldcon!
Chicon I, 1940, Chicago128  
Denvention I,1941, Denver90  
Pacificon I, 1946, Los Angeles130  
Philcon I, 1947, Philadelphia200  
Torcon I, 1948, Toronto 200  
Cinvention, 1949, Cincinnati190  
1950, NorWesCon, Portland400  
Nolacon I, 1951, New Orleans190  
TASFiC, 1952, Chicago870  
11th Worldcon, 1953, Philadelphia 750  
SFCon, 1954, San Francisco700  
Clevention, 1955, Cleveland380  
NyCon II, 1956, New York
Loncon I, 1957, London268  
Solacon, 1958, South Gate, Calif. 322  
Detention, 1959, Detroit371 
Pittcon, 1960, Pittsburgh568 Tony Lewis: First Art Show.
Seacon, 1961, Seattle300  
Chicon III, 1962, Chicago550  
Discon I, 1963, Washington, DC600  
Pacificon I, 1964, Oakland 523 
Loncon II, 1965, London350  
Tricon, 1966, Cleveland 850  
Nycon 3, 1967, New York1,500  
Baycon, 1968, Oakland 1,430  
St. Louiscon, 1969, St. Louis1,534  
Heicon '70, 1970, Heidelberg620  
Noreascon I, 1971, Boston1,600 
L.A.Con I, 1972, Los Angeles2,007  
Torcon II, 1973, Toronto 2,900  
Discon II, 1974, Washington, DC3,587  
Aussiecon One, 1975, Melbourne606  
MidAmeriCon, 1976, Kansas City, MO3014 / 4200

Craig Miller: This was the first Worldcon (to my knowledge), that brought (albeit at the last minute) a significant number of fans/SMOFS from around the country to work on/run the convention. The Permanent Floating Worldcon Committee was born. (Or, at least, stepped from the ooze onto dry land. It could certainly be argued that it didn't really develop for a few more years.)

SunCon, 1977, Miami Beach3,240 Only Worldcon to have to move cities (from Orlando to Miami Beach) due to hotel problems.
IguanaCon II, 1978,Phoenix4,700 The first Worldcon to use a Convention Center. Also the first with an attendance to cross the 4,000 mark (memberships were above that mark earlier but not attendance).
Seacon '79, 1979, Brighton3,114  
Noreascon Two, 1980, Boston 5,850 The first Worldcon that crossed the 5,000 attendee mark. And the first to use something akin to our current committee structure. Possibly the first of to have extensive exhibits beyond the Art Show and Dealers Room.
Denvention Two, 1981, Denver3,792  
Chicon IV, 1982, Chicago4,275  
ConStellation, 1983, Baltimore6,400 The first Worldcon to cross the 6,000 member mark.
L.A.con II, 1984, Anaheim8,365  
Aussiecon Two, 1985, Melbourne1,599  
ConFederation, 1986, Atlanta5,811  
Conspiracy '87, 1987, Brighton4,071  
Nolacon II, 1988, New Orleans 5,300  
Noreascon 3, 1989, Boston6,956 Pass-along funds started; Concourse started.
ConFiction, 1990, The Hague3,580  
Chicon V, 1991, Chicago5,661  
MagiCon, 1992, Orlando5,452  
ConFrancisco, 1993, San Francisco7,120  
ConAdian, 1994, Winnipeg3,570  
Intersection, 1995, Glasgow 4,264 
L.A.con III, 1996, Anaheim 6,703First Internet lounge.
LoneStarCon 2, 1997, San Antonio 4,650 
BucConeer, 1998, Baltimore 6,572 
Aussiecon Three, 1999, Melbourne 1,548 
Chicon 2000, 2000, Chicago 5,829 
The Millennium
Philcon, 2001, Philadelphia
ConJosé, 2002, San Jose 5300(est)  
Torcon 3, 2003, Toronto ???? 
Noreascon 4, 2004, Boston ???? 
Interaction, 2005, Glasgow ???? 
L.A.con IV, 2006, Anaheim ???? 
Nippon 2007, 2007, Yokohama ???? 

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